Repeat Prescriptions
For repeat prescriptions we ask you to call the surgery on 01467 642289 and press option 3. This will be a voicemail, where you leave your Name, Date of Birth, Telephone number and the medication required. If you are calling out with surgery times please call 01467 475400 and the same rules apply.
You can also hand in your repeat forms and drop it off into the box at reception or in the letter box at the side door of surgery.
Online Prescription
We also offer an online prescription service, this allows you to order your prescription using an online portal at a time that suits you. There are form on the website under Registration forms or you can collect one from reception. Please complete the form and hand into reception, they will then create your account and you will receive an email with all information needed.
Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account. All prescriptions requested will automatically go to Kemnay Pharmacy unless you have made a special request.
Medication Reviews
Tens of thousands of repeat prescriptions are issued by the surgery each year and it is important that these are monitored and assessed regularly.
This can help avoid drug interactions and avoidable side effects, unnecessary wastage and helps to ensure you're receiving the correct, up-to-date medicine for your condition.
A number of drugs also require to be monitored periodically with blood tests. Every patient receiving a repeat medication has their records checked annually by our GPs although adjustments are also often made throughout the year.
Patients might therefore be asked to come in to see a GP to review your medication or be invited to see one of our nurses for a blood test and check-up.
If you no longer require a medication that is on your repeat slip, please inform reception or the doctor/nurse.
Please book your medications review appointment at least 2 weeks before your medication runs out.
Useful Information
Each drug has two names, the generic and the brand name. Where possible we use the generic name because this is usually much cheaper for the health service.
Due to this, you may notice a change in colour, shape or size of your drug. Do not be concerned by this, you are still receiving the same drug of the same quality, it is only the appearance that has altered.